Let me guys give a brief overview what purpose have current and upcoming features of Defi Land, Im sure you are aware of it but

27 Dec 2022, 19:07
Let me guys give a brief overview what purpose have current and upcoming features of Defi Land, Im sure you are aware of it but a short recap won’t be extra. General purpose is to make the price of coins and NFT floor rise. Any price depends on supply/demand, so to boost price, one needs to stimulate the demand and/or reduce the supply. Since, in that case, DFL has a large supply and dishonest funds have been actively selling (the issue with whole Solana ecosystem) we need to limit the supply with burning and put out coins from circulation - all the game activities (current and upcoming) are focused on that accompanied with Forging and Fusion. Once market conditions start to improve we start active promotions to work on the second variable aka stimulate the demand actively, so we keep building for it. For NFTs, since our NFTs are not standard PFPs common ones became less interesting which, with high quantity keep floor and NFT market capitalisation low. Forging stimulates NFT quantity minimisation, while Fusion is going to have an impact on the rarity+quantity which means that users will have the incentive to sweep the floor often to disassemble several cheap NFTs , put them into fusion in order to get one better attribute, which as a result reduces circulating supply of NFTs and raises floor price + market capitalisation.